We are getting ready for our first-year-married-world-travel-extravaganza! We are set to jet February 8, 2012.
Australia -->Indonesia-->Kenya-->Uganda...South Americia? That is our plan (Lord willing!).
We bought a tandem bike after Christmas when we were in Chilliwack (BC). She's a part of the family already. The plan is to haul her with us, bike the east coast of Aussie...and who knows where else. First stop is sorgum harvesting in Moree, New South Wales, Australia. Friends of ours said they could use our help. We are looking forward to it.
After that... the road & sky are the limit (and realistically - wallets).
For the next few weeks left in Canada, it's "Put our heads down and work hard". Wayne has a building project to start & finish, I have work to finish and cycling classes to teach, animal care arrangements to make, we have our house 'guts' to pack up and store. We are proud of our new storage purchase - a big, yellow school bus. O yeah! We are pumped about it. She's a beauty! Yesterday we took all the seats out and gave her a good scrub down. Hopefully it didn't freeze before it could dry or we have a bus-rink. It's -18 today! We can't wait to leave the minus's! Patience, patience.
That's all for now. Be ready for this to be a lengthy and wordy blog. For those of you who know us, we like writing! Are you up for it? It's a year long you know. We'd love to have you follow along on our on our journey.
Cheers all !
Wayne & Kami Froese